Wednesday, March 18, 2009

2nd Round Completed

Today my mom completed her 2nd round of chemo!  Yea!  The administering of her chemo went very smoothly at her oncologists office and they were able to find a good vein to use on the first attempt!  My mom really likes her new nurse who will be administering her chemo each time and her nurse as well as the rest of the staff are taking very good care of her during her treatments.

My mom was also able to visit with her oncologist after her round of chemo this afternoon.  Her oncologist was very uplifting and told my mom that she is really doing well all things considered and he was also able to answer the questions that she had for him.  The good news he gave her today is that her cancer cell levels are going down which means that her cancer is responding to the chemo treatments!  As soon as my mom has more energy she will post an update but for now just know that she is finished with her 2nd round of chemo and only has 4 more rounds to go!  The end is in sight! :)

The dates for her 3rd round of chemo are scheduled for April 1st & April 8th (subject to change of course).  I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record but I just wanted to be sure and "Thank all of YOU" for your wonderfully uplifting encouragement and prayers!  The love & support that she feels from all of you is truly a blessing!

Love to all of you,
Jennie (Sheree's Daughter)  


  1. We are so glad that everything is going so well now. Thanks for keeping the blog updated. Love you all!

  2. Yay! We are so glad to hear things are going better.
